Welcome to our Network 

Ambrosio Audit LLP 
Ambrosio Audit STP SRL Socio unico
Giuseppe Ambrosio Monaco authorised consultant, Dottore Commercialista, Revisore Legale, ICAEW FCA, FCPA AUSTRALIA, ICAZ (CA), SAICA (CA), ANAN (CA), CPA IRELAND

Ambrosio Audit STP SRL Socio Unico

Piazza della Repubblica 19
20124 Milano – Italy
N. Rea: MI-2588457
Società di revisione inscritta nel registro dei revisori legali con il numero progressivo 182454
Numero iscrizione Sezione Speciale Albo ODCEC MI: 112
ICAEW Affiliate C008845657
VAT Number: IT11226640966
Tel +39 02 82396988
Fax +39 02 56563599

Giuseppe Ambrosio

Boulevard D’Italie 74
Montecarlo SUN 98000 – Monaco
RCI 14P08258
Nis 7022Z16524
VAT Number: FR60000112051
Tel +377 99 90 25 20

Ambrosio Audit LLP

2 Frederick Street, Kings Cross
WC1X 0ND London
United Kingdom
Company House Registration Number: OC434752
UK Registered Statutory Auditor C008825774
Vat Registration Number UK 450306921
Tel +44 20 35 298 229

Giuseppe Ambrosio
Dottore Commercialista n. AA000643 ODCEC Napoli Nord
Revisore Legale n. 120293
CTU civile n. 574
CTU penale n. 86
ICAEW FCA n2740254

Corbello, Cardo & Gravante Viale della Liberta’ 112 81031 Aversa CE – Italy


We provide solutions for almost all your business needs!

Our clients can access our services anywhere in the world. Start the onboarding process once and then  request your service! If you are a financial services entity i.e. bank, asset manager, fund manager, private equity or a fund you can opt-in for our fully online platform!



We provide professional and advisory services!

We are local but we accompany our clients internationally!

Professional Services

– Statutory Audit services
– Auditonline (only for asset managers, funds, banks, private equity houses and other financial services clients)
– Attestation and Assurance Services
– Financial due diligence
– Tax and VAT advice and compliance work
– Accounting advisory services
– Charity and association Financial Statements preparation
– Forensic Audit

Advisory Services

– Company Governance
– Training
– Internal Control
– Business Strategy
– Public Relations
– Marketing
– Feasibility and Business plans
– Financing and capital raise support
– Business IT management and risk management

International Business and Private Assistance

– Become resident in the Principality of Monaco
– Become resident in Italy
– Become resident in the UK
– Setup a company in Monaco
– Setup a company in Italy
– Setup a company in the United Kingdom
– Private equity due diligence
– Corporate and private due diligence
Setup a SFO or MFO in Monaco

Ambrosio Audit free valuation service for businesses


If you would like to apply for any of the posts in our network or our clients, please email your cv and a covering email/letter. If we retain your application, we will contact you within 5 working days. Please include LinkedIn profile link in your CV, all positions require fluent English, French and Italian.

View current openings

Our Business Partners and free services


If you are a member of the Monaco SIngle and Multi-Family Office association you can access to these two services free of charge


If you are a currently registered ICAEW ACA OR FCA you can request the full assistance package for free


Se sei iscritto all’ORDINE ODCEC o registro dei revisori puoi richiedere assitenza gratuita fiscale per Monaco e Regno Unito


If you end up participating and winning the Monaco VROOM contest, you will be granted with a free company setup


If you are a client of Francesco Corbello Strategic Dubai Investment Development Agency you can claim our free assistance to become Monaco resident

MOHAMED AL ALI CEO & Advisor, Sheikh Ahmed Al Maktoum International Investments Enterprise, UAE

If you are an investee of Sheikh Ahmed Al Maktotum International Investments Enterprise you can claim our free assistance to become Monaco resident


Elysys offers specialised financial accounting software built for the single/multi family office. Powered by Microsoft and personalised to your needs. Two Monaco based service leaders have teamed up to serve the Family offices as ever before.


White Castle is our recruiter of choice and all their clients deserve our best assistance to become a Monaco resident. Talent attracts talent that’s why White Castle is our recruiter of choice


Contact our managing director John Clifford BSc., from our preferred multi family office in London for further information


A boutique and full corporate and governance services firm, based in Monaco and with regional representation from the UK, Dubaï and St Kitts & Nevis. We offer tailored services in financial risk management, including specialisms in international financial reporting, corporate administration, complex ownership structures, and regulatory and legal support.

Free initial consultation and reduced collaborative rates for Ambrosio Audit network clients.

Our current appointments and credentials

Giuseppe Ambrosio is the Contact Member for Monaco. He is your point of contact for members’ enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW’s strategy and brand within Monaco. He is registered with N. 2740254

Monaco’s contact member


White Castle Partners was created by a team of highly experienced entrepreneurs, investors, tech executives, lawyers and strategists with years of experience in starting, growing and exiting businesses. Our main activities are smart founding, deal making and capital raising events

Advisory Board member

White Castle

With over 23 years of Big Four experience in Financial services Industry in several jurisdictions such as Monaco, UK, Spain, France, and Italy he has developed a unique internal network of HNWI and senior contacts with corporations executives and with various Governments

SVG Honorary Consul

In the Principality of Monaco

Giuseppe Ambrosio is part of the Italian export forum and is one of the entrepreneurs who support made in Italy family. Giuseppe is in charge of certifying all expenses of the Monaco event of the Italian Export Forum

Dottore Commercialista e Revisore per l’evento di Monaco

Italian Export Forum

Giuseppe Ambrosio was appointed business ambassador of Principality of the Monaco in 2015. All the appointed ambassadors are now part of the club “Ambassadeurs de la destination Monaco”

Ambasciatore del Principato di Monaco per il Turismo di affari

Ufficio del Turismo di Monaco

Giuseppe Ambrosio e’ iscritto all’Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Napoli Nord N. AA_000643. Giuseppe ha ottenuto l’iscrizione dal 2001 Sede: 81031 Aversa (CE) – Via Armando Diaz, 89

Dottore Commercialista

Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Napoli Nord

Giuseppe Ambrosio e’ iscritto al registro dei Revisori Legali presso il Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze

Numero Iscrizione 120293
Data Decreto Ministeriale 19/04/2001
Gazzetta Ufficiale n.036 del 08/05/2001

Revisore Legale

Ministero dell’ Economia e delle Finanze

Giuseppe Ambrosio is currently an elected member of the Association Italian Entrepreneurs of the Principality of Monaco (AIIM) and he’s serving his third mandate

Board Member and past Secretary General

Association Italian Entrepreneurs of Principality of Monaco (AIIM)

Giuseppe Ambrosio a été nommé par le bureau de la Fedem Conseiller pour le développement d’affaires des entreprises monégasques en Italie

Conseiller pour le développement d’affaires des entreprises monégasques en Italie


Giuseppe Ambrosio conseiller en enterprises autorisé à l’exclusion de toutes activités réglementées : l’aide et l’assistance en matière de gouvernance, formation non diplômante, contrôle interne, stratégie, relations publiques, marketing, étude de faisabilité, étude de financements, l’organisation des entreprises, leur système d’information et leur gestion des risques ; l’assistance à la création ou la réalisation de tous projets d’installation économiques ou personnels en Principauté de Monaco.

Conseiller en entreprises

Inscrit au MEB

Giuseppe Ambrosio is currently an advisor in Luxochain. Luxochain combats the goods counterfeiting guaranteeing the purchase of authentic products through the blockchain certification. Luxochain mission is to give products their own unique Digital Certificates of Authenticity registered on the Blockchain, secure, readable and transferable by any smartphone. An exciting and futuristic challenge that will change the way we think, evaluate and appreciate every good in the Luxury market.



Giuseppe Ambrosio é presente nell’elenco dei professionisti di riferimento dell’Ambasciata d’Italia nel Principato di Monaco

Professionisti di riferimento

Ambasciata d’Italia nel Principato di Monaco

A unique international experience at your service

Giuseppe Ambrosio

Founding Partner

Giuseppe Ambrosio holds the titles of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Honorary Consul in Monaco, Business Tourism Honorary Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco, Monaco authorized Advisor, ICAEW contact point for Monaco, and is a former big four financial services audit partner.
Giuseppe has over 25 years of international experience in audit, compliance, internal controls, tax and advisory services. As of today, he is registered as an Auditor in Italy (Revisore Legale), Certified Public Accountant in Italy (Dottore Commercialista) and as a Fellow Chartered Accountant in the UK (ICAEW). He is a member of FCPA Australia, CA of SAICA (South Africa), ICAZ (ZIMBABWE), ANAN (NIGERIA) and CPA Ireland: he is qualified to teach Economics and Law in secondary schools, and in the course of his professional career, has developed extensive expertise not only in the financial sector but also in other areas by providing professional advice in the shipping and financial services sector. In addition, Giuseppe has led projects relating to the conversion to international accounting standards, company valuation for family offices and outsourced internal control projects for the financial sector: banks and asset management companies. He recently qualified as compliance officer. He acts as special envoy for the SV Times in Europe.

Propose us an appointment!

It will only take a minute to propose Giuseppe Ambrosio for: – Advisory Board appointment
– Audit Committee appointment
– Nomina Collegio Sindacale
– CFO Support services
– CFO Interim appointment
– Protector or Trustee appointment
– Treasurer appointment

Press Room and News

Family offices can contact directly the Monaco Family Office International Association for future events

Media Partners

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what they say about us:

Sois fort, n’oublie jamais qui tu es au fond de toi ! Il ne faut jamais renoncer à ce que tu veux vraiment faire ou réaliser. Une personne avec des grands rêves est bien plus forte qu’une personne qui a déjà tout accompli. Les gens vont douter de ce que tu dis mais ils vont croire en ce que tu fais!

Sophie Bourdillon

Media Partner

Wishing you the very best luck…not that you need it. Just a friendly reminder that I believe in you a d I predict a big win tomorrow

Luigi Mattera

Royal Monaco

It has been my pleasure to work with Giuseppe for several years while he was with Deloitte and I very much look forward to continuing to work with him in his new venture. Best of luck Giuseppe, I’m very excited to see tou in your new venture

Eric Brundage

Publisher Monaco Life

Giuseppe is one of the best moderator and honest person I know. Usually moderators will keep the light on them but Giuseppe pays attention to others

Naeem Aslam

Forbes Columnist

London Fintech Fund | CIO AvaTrade | Chief Market Analyst

Giuseppe has always been the go to man to access the Monaco market(s), for both services and connections.

Martin Punt

Associate Director Commercial and Membership Development British Venture Capital Association

Giuseppe Ambrosio, ACA, is a unique leader who embraces and combines people and knowledge from around the world. An expert in UHNW/HNW wealth management, he simplifies complex business transactions with ease. With great intelligence, he knows how to guide businesses forward in a way that works best for all on board. He has created history in Monaco and, personally, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next!

Tracy Rohan

Edge Media

Ever since university, you’ve shown leadership, and today you’re stronger than ever. Good luck with your new adventure, your professionalism and skills will be a great springboard for your success. Ad maiora semper!

Antonio Fontanarosa

Managing Partner


We consider Giuseppe a fountain of new ideas and concepts that allow himself and others to look at things from a new perspective. His maturity and wisdom are very obvious. He has a natural ability to make people feel ‘at ease’ in a stressful situation. Giuseppe is also very optimistic, enthusiastic, loyal, and inspirational which makes him an ideal business partner in any type of business

Hasnae Taleb

Entrepreneur, Investor, Stock Trader & Philanthropist

We are honored to have our company profiled by our very special friend Giuseppe Ambrosio, we have the highest respect for his amazing business. A trusted business friend with the highest level of professionalism in our industry, strong ethics and integrity, and the greatest attention to detail. He will always go the extra mile for every client with a personal touch.

De Anna Guerreiro

Founder and CEO Vinecrest Investments LLC Founder and Managing Partner Aenon Capital LTD Managing Partner Zurich Capital Funds Holding INC

It is a pleasure to associate with Giuseppe’s project. As a tax advisor he impressed me with his knowledge, his understanding of the situation as well as his anticipation of future requirements and the implementation of solutions. His international outlook makes him ideal to advise professional athletes or businessmen, who need to understand about fiscal optimization and want to develop parallel activities to their main source of income. I recommend him as a professional consultant and as a very trustworthy person.

 S.A.R. Michel Principe di Yougoslavia

Principe di Yougoslavia

Giuseppe ha le capacità professionali e relazionali per essere un perfetto consulente per tutti gli sportivi che praticano sport a livello professionistico, il suo ambito internazionale può essere di grande giovamento per tutto quello che riguarda consulenza sull’ottimizzazione fiscale internazionale, residenza, sviluppo attività collaterali all’attività principale, consulenza su investimenti immobiliari.

Diego Nargiso

Director Golden Sport Monaco

Felicitations pour l’initiative en faveur de la communauté et les Family Offices Russes et Anglaises de la Principauté! Les meilleurs voeux pour le nouveau chapitre qui semble déjà avoir l’allure de succès!

Andra Oprea


It is a great honor to have our company associated to Giuseppe’s project. Giuseppe take a human approach to combine his international outlook with how-to advice to help clients create the project they want. His diversify knowledges always dedicated to driving the best solution to each particular request. So you know you’re always in safe hands. I’m looking forward to seeing you, Giuseppe, in your new venture.

Sophie Venecia Reyes

Producer | Business affairs | Filmmaker

Dear Giuseppe, you have become the Uk tax advisor of reference for the Monaco and Southern France British expat community. We wish you the very best of luck…not that you need it. …Just a friendly reminder that I believe in you. Hope you will still have time to present a few events with us!

Gemma & Louise


Giuseppe is the Master of Monaco and knows how to make things happen. If you need anything done, he is the go-to expert for issues related to relocation, accounting and taxation, valuation, counsel and advice. Plus, he’s a great tennis player, a wonderful father and an all-around nice person.

Charlotte Luer

Chief Executive Officer of LJH Financial Marketing Strategies

Giuseppe Ambrosio is a world class guide and advisor on every aspect of investing, auditing, consulting, and business growth. Congratulations G on your new endeavor.

Kristen White

CEO, Media & Marketing Consultant

Carissimo Giuseppe oltre ad essere un valido Ambasciatore del Turismo d’affari del Principato ti sei distinto come professionista di calibro internazionale e per la tua attenzione ai temi a me cari dell’arte e della beneficenza. Non posso che augurarti con affetto tanto successo per la tua nuova societa’ di revisione internazionale.

Firmato … S.A.R. Principe Domenico Pallavicino

Fondazione Pallavicino

In bocca al lupo per la tua nuova avventura!

S.A.R. Principe Emanuele Filiberto

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